Category Case study


How Much Does Metal Deck Cost

In the process of contacting customers, one question that we are often asked is “how much does metal deck cost?” I would like to briefly answer this question. Factors In Metal Deck Cost Because metal deck can be manufactured in…

What is steel floor decking

Fixing of steel deck SD53-600

SD53-600 steel deck is widely used in engineering, such as in BRAC University, the Air Corridor of Avenida Kimaras, Taipa, Macao. During the SD53-600 construction process, the construction staff will ask How to fix the SD53-600 steel deck? (1) At…

How steel decking interlock

Overlapping ribs of SD53-600 steel decking are interlocked. Either of two methods can be used in most situations, though variations may also work.   In the first method, lay adjacent sheets loosely in place. Place the female lap rib overlapping…